
Flair Airlines files $50M lawsuit against leasing firms over plane seizures

Aptitude Airways has filed a $50-million lawsuit in opposition to the leasing companies that seized 4 of its planes late final week and following an announcement from one lessor that the airline had repeatedly missed funds over the course of current months.

The assertion of declare, obtained by International Information, alleges the repossession of the planes was illegal, invalid and non-compliant with the lease’s agreements. It calls for the return of the plane to Aptitude and for the lessors to proceed leasing them to the airline in accordance with its lease settlement.

Lastly, it claims $50 million in damages “for breach of contract, breach of obligation of fine religion in contractual efficiency, negligent and/or fraudulent misrepresentation, wrongful seizure, conversion, and conspiracy.”

Whereas Aptitude claims the seizure of the planes, which prompted cancelled flights, was not warranted, its lessor, Airborne Capital, stated Tuesday that the airline was tens of millions behind in funds and the transfer was justified.

— Extra to return.

&copy 2023 International Information, a division of Corus Leisure Inc.

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