United States

Family of slain Texas soldier seeking $35 million in damages

AUSTIN, Texas — The family of a Texas soldier who was was sexually harassed and killed at a military base near Killeen in 2020 filed a lawsuit Friday seeking $35 million in damages from the U.S. government.

Vanessa Guillen, 20, is suing her family for damages for sexual harassment, assault, rape and wrongful death.

The young woman’s death sparked a social media movement with the hashtag #IAmVaessaGuillen.
AP/Carolyn Kaster

Guillen was shot to death by a fellow soldier on the U.S. Army Base Fort Hood. Military officials investigated and found that Guillen had been sexually harassed as well as that her leaders failed to take corrective action. The lawsuit describes two instances in which Guillen was harassed during her time as a soldier and Guillen’s suicidal thoughts as a result of coping with the harassment, which she told family that she did not report for fear of retaliation.

“This will be an opportunity for every victim to feel not only like they have a voice but that they can be made whole,” said Natalie Khawam, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Guillen family.

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. decided Thursday that the lawsuit was valid. Circuit Court of Appeals San Francisco ruled that an Army colonel may sue a former Air Force General for sexual assault allegations. The court ruled that a law that barred service personnel from seeking damages for injuries suffered during service was not applicable.

Guillen was declared missing by the Army in April 2020. Her remains were found in July by the soldier who was accused to have killed Guillen. He had been involved in a dispute with officers. A civilian faced charges for allegedly helping Robinson dispose of Guillen’s remains.

Guillen’s death and claims by her family that she was harassed and assaulted at the Texas base sparked a social media movement of former and active service members who came forward about their own experiences in the military with the hashtag #IAmVaessaGuillen. State and federal lawmakers have since passed legislation in honor of Guillen that removed some authority from commanders and gave survivors more options to report.

Read the full article here

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