
Woman sparks uproar by declaring that being fat is not beautiful

A woman has come under fire after stating that she believes “fat people are not beautiful” and that “being fat is not okay”.

An anonymous Australian woman was featured on a TikTok video, which was posted to a channel called Common Ground Convos, a page that says they “ask the important but controversial question, then try to find common ground”.

On a video captioned “Is it okay to be fat? What do you think?”, the host asks a woman on the street her opinions about obesity.

“I can’t do fat people. It’s not okay to be fat,” the woman declared.

Interviewer asks Tess Holliday what she thinks, holding up a photograph of the plus-size influencer.

“No I can’t look at that, sorry, I can’t,” she said.

During the conversation, the lady was shown a picture by Tess Holliday who is a plus-size model.

“Would you ever consider that beautiful? Would you ever consider that healthy?” he probed.

She answered a firm “no” to both, shaking her head.

“Why are young people being told that beauty is just a social construct?” he continued.

“That’s bulls–t” she replied.

“I can’t do fat people. Do you want a fat person waddling, they can’t walk because their thighs are so big?

“It’s not healthy and it doesn’t look good.

“Maybe I’m politically incorrect, but I don’t give a s–t.”

The interviewer asked the woman about body positivity as they stood on the street.

“What would you say is body positivity done right? He asked.

“Eat healthy, not too much sugar, everything in moderation,” she said.

“Apart from sex.”

“It’s not healthy and it doesn’t look good," the woman said of fatness.
“It’s not healthy and it doesn’t look good,” the woman said of fatness.

The video featured a comment section that sparked a variety of opinions.

Some people criticized what she said, but others agreed.

“Chill out bro. She’s giving work mum with 4 kids that forbids soda,” one said.

“How is someone’s physical appearance affecting you?” asked another.

“Why is it a problem for her though? It’s not really got anything to do with her.”

“Finally someone that said it, pretty harsh but 100 percent agree,” someone added.

“I love her, the only lady who can speak the truth,” one commented.

“People would rather live in delusion than ever face reality.”

In a follow-up video, the channel spoke to two women who had a different opinion on the topic.

“I can look at people, and say this person is overweight and does not take care of themselves,” the interviewer said.

“I don’t think you should though, because that’s unfair” one of the women said.

“You don’t know that person.”

He brought up Tess Holliday and asked her if it was a good role-model.

“There’s a lot of factors into that. I don’t know her diet. I don’t know her exercise routine,” she replied.

“Wouldn’t you say you know it just by looking at her?” the interviewer asked.

“Absolutely not, because I don’t know her.”

In the comments, the channel’s followers again had differing opinions on the issue.

“When I think of a good role model, I think of her morals, values, and niceness, not her size,” one said.

“Weight isn’t as simple as calories in and calories out, many factors such as genetics, hormones and metabolism need to be considered.”

“This is what happens when we value feelings over facts,” another stated. “You can absolutely control your weight from a scientific perspective.”

Read the full article here

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