
Glam grandma shares meal plan that helped her drop 70 pounds

A beautiful grandmother who lost 70 pounds shares her secrets.

Emma Taylor, 45 years old, was a personal trainer and weighed in at 197 pounds. Her weight had risen from fast food and sugary snacks.

But she didn’t even realize her body had changed so much at first.

Taylor, from the UK, said seeing a photo of her looking like a “barrel” at a party first inspired her to firm up and shed some pounds.

“I was instantly horrified and mortified — and knew I had to take control,” Taylor told SWNS of a time in her life when she was regularly eating two takeout meals a day, including McDonalds for lunch and a kebab for dinner.

“I was upset and I knew I had put on weight — but this was like a light bulb moment for me,” said Taylor, adding that when she began experiencing health issues she ReallyIt was clear that something had to change.

The 5’1″ mom-of-five and grandmother-of-two eventually dropped five dress sizes through changing her eating habits and exercise routine — going from 197 pounds to 122 pounds.

She quit her job to become a personal trainer after the transformation. She’s lost 15 inches from around her hips, 19 inches from her waist and her bra size has dramatically dropped from a 36DD to a 32A.
RichT Photography / SWNS
Taylor was appalled at a photo her sister-in-law took of her, which inspired her to change her lifestyle habits.
Taylor was shocked by a photo taken of her by her sister-in law. This inspired her to change her lifestyle.
Courtesy Emma Taylor / SWNS

“I was suffering with my breathing and couldn’t sleep at night,” she explains. “I had tried to lose weight before and tried various diets, I spent so much money on fad diets and I was always on the web looking for a quick fix.”

Taylor says she’d tried a variety of fad diets and exercises like Pilates and yoga but it hadn’t stuck, admitting: “I would have rather gone home and had a kebab.”

She was determined to lose weight, improve her health, and train 18 times per week with Danni Taylor and Mathew bird, a personal trainer.

Although it was challenging, she says it is “the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“They pushed me so hard but helped me to believe in myself,” she continues. “My body quickly started shrinking — even my feet.”

The fit nan says she didn’t set a particular goal for herself, saying her only goal was to be happy.

She also changed her lifestyle, which inspired a career shift. Previously she’d worked as a nail technician, saying she’d often order a McDonalds or portion of fish, chips and curry sauce from the local fish-and-chip shop.

However, after losing the weight and beginning her journey with exercise, she was inspired to quit her job and qualify as a personal trainer, setting up her own business, Taylor Made Fitness, where she encourages people to just be “consistent” with their healthy habits.

“It’s bizarre when I see pictures of myself now,” she says of her massive transformation. “I’m a changed person — my confidence has gone up so much.”

“My whole family have changed their lifestyles with me as well, so it’s not just a family affair — they’ve all been keeping fit with me,” she says.

Taylor says consistency is crucial to overhauling her health habits.
Taylor stated that consistency was key to resolving her health problems.
RichT Photography / SWNS

Taylor’s diet before:

  • Breakfast: A chocolate-covered bar on the go
  • Lunch: A sandwich stuffed with fries, or McDonalds.
  • Snack: A chocolate bar or a dessert to go with the dinner you served the children
  • Dinner: Takeout — typically a kebab

Taylor’s diet now:

  • Breakfast: Oats with berries, yogurt with honey, and yogurt
  • Lunch: Chicken and avocado salad
  • Snack: Rice cakes
  • Dinner: Tuna and side of vegetables


Read the full article here

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